For the Love of a Mother
My first love was long before I drew breaths of air and felt sunshine kiss my cheeks. It was in the womb of my mother, where I listened to her heart beating from the inside, and she was my infinite universe. When…
Sketching a Character
In January I took myself on a retreat to a small and very old cabin in Illinois. Since I finished visiting all of the state parks in Indiana last year, I decided to visit the birthplace of each of my…
Joy vs. Happiness
When I was a child, I knew when I grew up I wanted to be a mom and to write a children’s picture book. I loved nurturing those around me and the magical way I felt when I immersed myself…
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. – Hippocrates
Ten years ago I took twelve pills a day for an autoimmune disorder, specifically Crohn’s disease. I had been on the same medication for seven-teen years, with frequent checks on my liver (the prescription had known toxicity, which was closely…
Fantastic Fort!
We finally did it! We completed an extraordinary fort (a.k.a. tiny home, boys retreat, mom retreat, etc.)!! It was a labor of love, filled with lots of lumber, concrete, recycled materials, nails, screws, paint, shingles, bruises, cuts, scrapes, muscles getting…
24 Parks
I explored a patch of woods in Indiana with my 3 sons today. For us, the extraordinary memories are discovered in the quite ordinary moments. It marked the 24th and final state park that I have visited, a challenge I…
Run, run, run, run, run
Today was the first day all week that I was able to run outside without rain pouring or misting all over me as I plodded along my path. I was worried all week that I would slip for the shear…